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What safety distance requires lattice protective fences?

Protective fences are offered with square and oblong grids.


The following applies to grids in the shading:


Square grids:

2-3 cm side length of a square opening require at least 12 cm distance to the nearest danger point

3-4 cm side length of a square opening requires at least 20 cm to the nearest danger point


Slotted grilles:

Grilles with side length 2 cm or smaller require at least 12 cm distance to the nearest danger point

Grilles with side length 3 cm x 6.5 cm or smaller require at least 20 cm distance to the nearest danger point


If you want to use an answer for your risk assessment, please buy the Standards research, check it, and also check very carefully if the given case really applies to your machine. If you have any doubts, feel free to contact me.

Please remember that there could be C- Standard specifically for your machine that contains statements on the subject. My statements refer to the B-Standards. If you provide me with your C-Standard, I will research your C-Standard on the subject.

What safety distance requires lattice protective fences?

  • notes:

    Click on the button "Normenrecherche kaufen" (Buy a Standards research) if you wish to buy a PDF with questions, answers and the associated Standards research for 100€. In the Standards research, I quote the sentences from the Standard that support my answer, a source citation is included.


    Read the free answer on the question of the ground slot (without Standards research) below the photo.










    Click on the button "Normenrecherche ansehen" (View Standard research) if you want to see an example of a Standard research.

Die Fotomontage dient nur zum Illustrieren der Frage, sie zeigt in keiner Weise die richtige Antwort.

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